I love making my clients happy and it makes me feel like what I’m doing is really worth something. It’s even better when I’m out and run into someone who is a past or current client or just follows my work and they bring up specific images I’ve shared that they just loved. This is one of them I hear about often. I get asked how I managed to get 6 children to lay there looking at the camera. My answer? Very quickly and photoshop takes care of the rest 😂.
No not entirely. First, I ensure I have a good relationship with my clients and their children. I put them at ease that I will be successful during their session even if it takes a little time. Then I become ridiculously silly and run around A LOT with the kids.
I let them know I’m not some scary stranger with a scary camera and I let them take their time. Sometimes the session takes 10-15 minutes to really get going because I recognize children are unsure and need time. We never rush, I show them my camera, let them push the shutter so they can see what it does.
I get real and I get on their level, I crawl around on the grass, I hide behind and play peek a boo in the trees, jump up and down, make silly faces. We do just about everything a child may need to feel secure with me. Then I work fast because while I may grab their attention, that is on a time limit for young children and I make a huge deal out of every shot they allow me to get. I give high fives, let them see behind the camera and make it a big secret only they can see.
THEN, photoshop 😂 . Sometimes it just takes a little photoshop magic to make believe the children were this perfect haha.
I did have to do a few face swaps in this image, don’t ask how many. It’s not the process I go through that parents really care about. The stuff I do during the session they care about but it’s the final image they really want and don’t always feel like they’re going to get, especially if they have a child less than cooperative
It makes me incredibly proud when I’m told people share my images even if it’s not their own session. Photographers love hearing from their clients that they love their images, but it’s something else to know the love goes beyond that where we don’t hear or see. ❤️

Melony Matson – Your newborn, child and family photographer