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Newborn safety is the TOP priority!

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Are you in the market for newborn photography?

I just have to say something after seeing an example of what not to do and who not to hire. It will be long, sorry but this is such an important subject.

If you’re looking for a newborn photographer or planning in the future of looking for one, ask questions! Seriously, ask what they know and if your baby’s safety is their priority or if getting the shot is. If they have done this shot and show you this or other composite shots, ask them how they did it.

They should be telling you they had an assistant, if not walk away. I’m in quite a few groups on Facebook for different types of photography and many for newborns. One is about newborn posing and I don’t usually get involved but one post made me want to cry. It made me so mad and I did comment but the person clearly does not care about safety.

The post is about the froggy pose, where baby is sitting, leaning forward with head on hands and one of the most complex newborn poses to do.

This person (not local to us) clearly stated that she does this pose unassisted, she does it herself. My head turned when I saw this! This pose should always be done with an assistant. Attached is a composite shot of the froggy pose, where two images are merged to look like one. An assistant safely keeps the baby in position with their focus on the baby in case of any sudden movements.

She says the key to this shot is balance and without it, it will fail. This person clearly does not understand newborn babies cannot balance themselves or hold their own head up like this. She does this with one hand on the baby, camera in other hand, leans far back and takes the shot.

Hands up how many of you who have held a newborn baby seen how quickly they can move their head? How quickly do you jump and with both hands always aim to protect the neck? Regardless of having a hand on the baby, focus is only partially on baby this way. There is no way with her second hand holding the camera, leaning back and focus in viewfinder to react quickly enough to secure that baby if it suddenly moves.

An assistant is always nearby with two hands to react and ensure that baby’s head does not jerk or fall. Chances are high for even a broken neck. Others commented on her irresponsible actions and her response was the baby is safer on the beanbag than in props. Softer landing makes it ok to put the baby at risk? If baby is close enough to the edge, they can easily move enough to roll off. Someone also asked how she learned this pose. She said, watched youtube videos and just practiced on every baby.

Do you want your newborn to be a practice subject or do you want someone who knows what they're doing?

I know everyone needs to actually do this pose on a real baby to learn it, but always with a clear understanding of how, not trial and error.

I’ve successfully done this pose once, have attempted many times but the babies were not soundly asleep enough for it. Others were obviously uncomfortable in the pose. Parents saw quick how challenging it can be to achieve some of these poses. Parents send me images all the time asking for a pose, and I tell them all the same thing. Only if parents or another person are present that can assist and also depends on baby for a couple reasons. The baby needs to be soundly asleep, if they’re moving alot the pose will not be done properly or safely.

Newborns are very flexible but I often get older babies that have started to lose it a bit or some that just cannot physically go into certain positions. I have had parents angry with me for refusing to do some of their requests but my number one priority is the baby’s safety, not the want for certain poses.

We know babies bodies are very fluid and soft, but they do have nerves. Put pressure on one the wrong way and for a period of time, it can cause damage. Anyone who has done a newborn session with me knows my studio is small and parents are close by, but depending on the pose I am doing a parent is only inches away.

I had a family request a pose on a swing hanging from a branch so I had a swing made for that session. I had them come back a second time as the baby was not asleep enough for the pose. The swing was 2 inches off the floor and the branch was resting in secure brackets on two sturdy legs. I still photoshopped dad out as he was still right beside it.

I also recently did one with baby laying on her back on a little bed about an inch off the floor and I photoshopped mom out of that one too. We have parents nearby for many poses because I know that my hands are busy. Focus is not 100% on baby’s movements every moment, it takes is a split second for baby to move the wrong way and injury can happen. The poses with baby on dad’s arm outstretched in front of him, his other hand is on the other side of the baby bracing the body. Limbs are removed in poses like this. By not doing it right is pure laziness and absolute disregard for the baby’s safety.

If you choose me for your newborn photos, know that your baby’s safety is my number one priority. I will not do anything that cannot be safely done, no exceptions. There are too many people out there with a camera that call themselves a photographer, even professionals and don’t know what they’re doing. They might have the right price for the session, but what is the price if something happens to your baby because they aren’t properly educated or like this person, thinks they can do it all 100% and laughs off anything telling her she’s wrong?

So, when choosing your newborn photographer, always choose brains over price and always get a better understanding of experience and education. It’s a much bigger price by placing your new baby in someone’s irresponsible hands.

Melony, your Lethbridge and area newborn, child and family photographer



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Lethbridge and Southern Alberta photographer providing specialized services in Newborn, Child and Family Photography


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