Story time! If you saw my last set up video for baby boy with greys where mama said no to online sharing, well she changed her mind! and trust me I asked her many times if she was sure because I don't want anyone to feel pressured or think they have to give permission to share their images, you as the client have full control there. I think she secretly wanted to see what I would say about him and I know she's watching 😂.
So, here's the tea, it's a gooder . The family came for their session, and this sweet boy was the biggest I've had in a very long time, he was already 3 weeks old and loved to eat! He fed off and on for nearly 2 hours and every time he was passed to me or put down, he immediately woke up and got upset so we didn't push him, just thought we'd wait him out until he passed out. He never truly passed out 😂.
After close to 2 hours, we agreed to try him on another day and this happens with some of my sessions, often babies are just having an off day, tummy trouble/gas etc so there's no amount of trying again and again that will help in the moment. We took a total of 2 shots that day, both were really wanted by mama which was hers and dad's hands cradling baby's head and feet and those turned out beautifully ❤️.
4 days later, mama brought him back and I'm sure when he fell asleep in the car and started stirring on arrival mama was getting a bit worried but as soon as she arrived, I had her feed him a bit and his eyes stayed closed.
I also get a good feel for each baby quite quickly when I meet them and in the cases where we have to try another day, I generally go into them with a new plan based on how I thought baby would best respond. We decided to keep baby clothed and literally squeezed him into one of my little outfits (thank the Lord for stretchy yarn 😂) because he filled it right out!
When mama layed him on my table and he didn't freak out, we both prayed to the skies and I started to pose him in the first photo. At first, he was really touchy with his hands but patience won and just look at him!
We got multiple table poses and the basket and then when we went to the dog bed prop for overhead shots, he woke right up and was a bit fussy but allowed me to rock him back to being peaceful enough for those shots and you can see he stared right at me like wtf lady
We did the remaining set ups while he was awake and he mostly just stared at my light so we got some beautiful open eyed shots ❤️.
The last photo was at the very end as he was falling back to sleep at that point so we just got some sweet, lazy shots of him stretching out and that was the end. I think we got everything in just under 3 hours this time.

Now he was not the hardest baby I've ever had, but day 1 he was right up there nearly taking the lead and then day 2, he was probably close to like 3rd place out of 4 😂. For almost 4 weeks old, he did really well the 2nd day when he was feeling much better and I am so happy we did try again and were able to achieve a very full gallery of beautiful images.
Newborn sessions are a lot of work and we never know what baby will be like the day of their session and sometimes we just have to be extra patient, try again and change the plan. These little humans run the show, and we just have to play by their rules and adjust as needed. I don't always have to say it out loud, but many babies have heard me say to their squishy little faces, I always win and yeah I may take the long way around but I still always win 😂.